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Tag - blog


Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration

We welcome ourselves back to our e-commerce platform with the re-launch of our website – long overdue; the wait is over. We take pride in this electronic place and will work hard over the next few weeks to…

Model Behaviour: introducing 17-71

Information, Inspiration, Outfit of the day, Streetstyle

We like to break away from the norm. We are fatigued by your average modern model fashion shoots and advertisement standards. Show us real people, show us real style. We cannot understand why everything has to be so…

Why we should all embrace our inner Hippie!

Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration, Uncategorised

“You are such Hippies” are words we hear alot. As soon as people hear about our business, our ethos and love for a re and up-cylcling as well as a circular economy paired with a distaste for wasted…